Nurturing the next generation of talents is critical to increasing Hong Kong’s momentum and maintaining our success in innovation and technology. To this end, The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences (ASHK), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering (HKAE) the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) and the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK), is launching the Sixth “Distinguished Master, Accomplished Students” Mentorship Programme in 2024, on the basis of its prior success in the last five cohorts. The Seventh round of the Programme will officially start on 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2026.
The purpose of the Programme is to enhance Hong Kong students’ exposure to current scientific and technological development and to nurture future talents through experience sharing and interaction with experienced professionals. Through the one-year mentorship, mentors will inspire students with real world experience and industrial knowledge at a personal level, providing advice to help students unleash and realise their potential.
Download the Programme Briefing (pdf - 4.7 MB)
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, and the Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools, as well as the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission, a group of 109 local high school students have been admitted to the Programme. They have been matched with 53 renowned scientists and engineers from ASHK, HKAE, HKIS and YASHK, who will serve as volunteer mentors.
The Mentorship Programme Briefing Session took place at 11pm on 8 March 2025 (Saturday) via Zoom. This session aims to provide mentees with essential information about the Programme and valuable advice on effectively interacting with their mentors.
Download the Briefing Slides for Mentees (pdf - 4.6 MB)
Check out the highlighted moments of the 2024 Mentors and Mentees
Download the Programme Briefing (Chinese only) (pdf - 1.5 MB)
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, and the Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools, and with the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission, a group of 105 local high school students have been admitted to the Programme. They have been matched with 56 renowned scientists and engineers from ASHK, HKAES, HKIS and YASHK, who will serve as volunteer mentors.
The Mentorship Programme Briefing Session was held at 11pm on 23 March 2024 (Saturday) via Zoom. The briefing session aims at providing mentees information about the Programme and advice on how to interact with their mentors.
Check out the highlighted moments of the 2023 Mentors and Mentees
For information of the 5th cohort of the Programme, click the button below!
For information of the 4th cohort of the Programme, click the button below!
For information of the 3rd cohort of the Programme, click the button below!
For information of the 2nd cohort of the Programme, click the button below!