With the help of the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council and the Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools, 108 students have been admitted and matched with 55 mentors from ASHK, HKAES, HKIS and YASHK volunteering to participate in the Programme.
The Mentorship Programme Briefing Session was held at 3pm on 31 March 2022 (Thursday) via Zoom. The briefing session aims at providing mentees information about the Programme and advice on how to interact with their mentors. Prof. Lap-Chee TSUI, President of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, delivered his opening speech at the beginning of the session.
Download the Briefing Slides for Mentees (pdf - 3 MB)
Download the Guidelines for Mentees Booklet (pdf - 553 KB)
Download the Guidelines for Mentors Leaflet (pdf - 21 KB)
Check out the opening speech by Prof. Lap-Chee TSUI!